Hubgrade - Integrated Data Monitoring

Integrated Data Monitoring Hubgrade gives you an overview and makes processes more secure and efficient

Today, the variety and range of key data is practically unlimited. The art of networking them profitably is a rare skill. This is exactly where Hubgrade comes in, bringing all available information into the right relations. In this way, Veolia ensures that the relevant information can be correctly interpreted not only by technicians, but by you. 

Hubgrade provides the basis for efficient industrial process monitoring and effective and sustainable resource management. At your request, Veolia experts use Hubgrade to monitor KPIs on water, energy and material flows at different company sites in real time and derive appropriate efficiency-boosting measures. Transparent and traceable. Veolia also technically implements the efficiency measures on site, as required. 

From creating individual reports on benchmarks, evaluating individually defined KPIs, analyzing energy-relevant data by Veolia experts, setting up and checking alerts and intervening when efficiency deviations are identified, to the technical implementation of identified savings measures - Hubgrade can do it all. The software used is EnEffCo©, which is already successfully established on the market. 

Hubgrade looks at the big picture: the efficiency platform not only records all energy-related data, but also water and waste flows and couples them with production data, which is unique. This gives companies transparency over the entire resource efficiency of one or more sites. All potential savings become visible at a glance. 


This video shows how Hubgrade works. We would be happy to present Hubgrade to you in person - contact us!